25th Avenue Grade Separation

Location: San Mateo, CA
Project Scope: New state-of-the-art train station platform

Disney Construction and Shimmick Construction teamed up to raise the tracks from CA-92 to Hillsdale Boulevard and to construct a new elevated Hillsdale Station at E. 28th Avenue. This will improve pedestrian and motorist safety, decrease traffic congestion, add more connections and create better parking. This work entails: grade separating, relocating utilities, coordination and staging to move the tracks.

Unique challenges: Scheduling around peak train schedules so that construction doesn’t impact train flow.

Caltrain San Francisco Bridges

Location: 22nd / 23rd St. and Paul Avenue, San Francisco
Project Scope: Remove & replace three bridges

These three bridges did not meet seismic safety stands and had to be replaced to ensure the safety of Caltrain passengers and the local community. Utilities were temporarily supported while the new bridge was built around it. The work entailed: retrofitting abutments to support the new structure, upgrading historic water systems.

Unique Challenges: Overhead constraints that needed to be taken into consideration, along with live train schedules and pedestrian crossing.

San Bruno Box Culvert

Location: San Bruno, CA
Project Scope: Relocate and upgrade storm drainage

Disney was contracted to relocate and upgrade major storm drain facilities and fiber optic lines that cross under the tracks at San Mateo and Angus Avenues as part of the San Bruno Grade Separation Project. This work entailed: replacing box culverts, installing temporary bypass so the grade separation could be completed. This job was completed ahead of schedule, Disney received a reward for early completion of project.

Unique Challenges: Working next to railroad track, accommodating the train schedule.

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